Oregon Literature Series
Series Editor(s): George Venn, Ulrich H. HardtThe Oregon Literature Series gathers in six volumes the best Oregon writing. It allows readers to sample work by hundreds of Oregon writers, from tribal tales and songs by the first Oregonians to stories, poems, and essays by the state's finest contemporary authors. And totaling over 2,000 pages, the collection provides enough enjoyable reading for an Oregon lifetime of rainy days.
"Probably the most remarkable endeavor in the state's literary history."—The Oregonian
Series Contents

The Stories We Tell
This first anthology of Oregon folk literature bears a special relationship to the other five volumes in the Oregon Literature Series. For collected here are...

Talking on Paper
Contributors to this anthology of Oregon letters and diaries include a missionary and a gambler, a prosoner and a judge, a clown and a civil...

Many Faces
The Oregon Literature Series is a unique cooperative effort of the Oregon Council of Teachers of English, which commissioned and created the series, and the...

Varieties of Hope
Oregon has always been a place of hope and new beginning. Yet all who have come to Oregon have not shared the same hopes, nor...

The World Begins Here
The first inhabitants of Oregon had an intimate knowledge of the land and a rich tradition of oral storytelling. The white settlers brought their own...

From Here We Speak
The first Oregonians were also the first Oregon poets. Lullabies, love songs, prophecy songs, incantations, exorcisms, and spirit power songs from eleven different Native American...