Omni William Penn Hotel, 530 William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
OSU Press is pleased to be attending the 2025 ASEH meeting in Pittsburgh. This year's theme, “Forging Environments: Confluence, Resilience, Intersectionality,” speaks directly to Pittsburgh’s past. Located where the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers form the Ohio, the city sits on lands historically stewarded by the Onödowá'ga:' (Seneca), saawanwa (Shawnee) and Lenape (Delaware) peoples. These nations intersected in an environment rich with natural resources at the gateway to the continent’s heartland. Later, the extraction of the area’s coal, timber, natural gas, and limestone by colonizers forged new landscapes. But the Steel City’s industrial might came at a significant environmental and human cost, necessitating remediation and mitigation strategies in the face of deindustrialization. Now a hub for technology and finance, the Greater Pittsburgh region stands as a monument to environmental resilience and renewal.
Visit our table at the meeting and tell us bout your latest book project while browsing our new titles. Be sure to ask us about this year's discount code to receive a 25% discount on featured titles.
Visit the website for more information about the conference.
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