
103 Results

Grit and Ink

Beneath the 24/7 national news cycle and argument over "fake news," there is a layer of journalism that communities absolutely depend upon. Grit and Ink...

| paperback | $19.95

Massacred for Gold

In 1887, more than 30 Chinese gold miners were massacred on the Oregon side of Hells Canyon, the deepest canyon in North America. Massacred for...

| paperback | $18.95

The Red Coast

The Red Coast is a lively and readable informal history of the labor, left-wing, and progressive activists who lived, worked, and organized in southwest Washington...

| paperback | $24.95

A Municipal Mother

On April 1, 1908, Lola G. Baldwin, aged forty-eight, was sworn in "to perform Police Service" for the city of Portland, Oregon. She was the...

| hardcover | $29.95

Oregon's Promise

A concise and compelling general history, Oregon's Promise explores familiar and neglected people and movements in the state's history, while challenging readers to view Oregon's...

| paperback | $19.95

Salmon Fishers of the Columbia

A comprehensive historical, social, and economic picture of the Columbia River salmon industry which noted environmental historian Richard White has described as "the best introduction...

| hardcover | $21.95


Finalist, Oregon Book Award This is the definitive book on Portland's political history, beginning in 1845 when a 16-lot townsite was laid out on the...

| hardcover | $29.95

Uncertain Encounters

A major contribution to the study of Indian-white relations in the Pacific Northwest, Uncertain Encounters provides a comprehensive view of relations in southern Oregon over...

| paperback | $17.95

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